Miaoulia are
events that last 3 days each
year, dedicated to the Admiral
Andrea Miaouli ,
towards the end of June to mark
the 177 years after the death
of Admiral Andreas Miaoulis.
event includes, in the
second day of celebrations,
the welcomming of the
representative of the Navy
and the officials at City
Hall by the Mayor and the
City Council.
third day, there is a Holy Mass
at the Cathedral and a transfer from
the Archive - Museum of the vessel
with the heart of Admiral Andreas
a memorial service at the statue
of Admiral Andreas Miaoulis.
In "Miaouleia" unless
part of the ritual, including exhibitions,
lectures, musical events, theatrical
performances, games, folk dances,
torch, boating and sports games.
by a crowd, honoring thus this feast of remembrance
events and people that played a major role in the outcome
of the revolution of 1821.
festivities culminate and solemnly
closed with the burning of fireworks,
and the enactment of the Battle
of Geronta and the burning of
Touk flagship, the third
and final day of events.